BOOK LIST 2024-2025 (UPDATED 07/19/2024)
Sell your books from 2023-24 to other students! Please follow the directions at the top of the message board and make sure the books you enter are being used in 2024-2025 (see Book List).
English I and Honors English I Summer Reading Assignment (updated 05/31/2024)
English II Summer Reading Assignment (updated 05/31/2024)
Honors English II Summer Reading Assignment (updated 05/31/2024)
English III Summer Reading Assignment (updated 05/31/2024)
AP English III Summer Reading Assignment (updated 06/03/2024)
English IV Summer Reading Assignment (05/31/2024)
AP English IV Summer Reading Assignment (updated 06/03/2024)
View this profile on Instagram@shrinehsamothersclub ⢠Instagram photos and videos
We are a service organization with a long history of providing labor and resources to events and programs at Shrine Catholic High School and Academy. The Dads Club contributes to the Master Plan and supports the school with scholarships and funding for athletics, the yearbook, the Observer Newspaper, the spring musical, the Music Department, and all the various clubs and student organizations. We supply not only financial support but manpower for a wide variety of student activities.
We help keep the interscholastic teams staffed with supplies and work to improve the facilities that help make Shrine sports teams successful every year. Working together, Shrine Dads display an active example of Catholic charity and fraternity, contributing to the successful education of our sons and daughters. We also work outside of the school at parish functions such as the annual Dream Cruise Party and the Annual Christmas Tree Sale. These two events alone raise a large percentage of the operating capital raised by both the High School and the Grade School Dads Clubs to help in enhancing the student experience in the Shrine community. We donate our time and skills to make Shrine a better place for our children, at the same time having a good time and forming great friendships.
Every year we are looking to increase the participation of the dads throughout the Shrine Schools. With greater participation comes not only a wealth of ideas, but greater opportunity to make the “Shrine Experience” better for the entire student community. Please come join the Dads Club in “Enhancing the Student Experience.” Show your kids that they are important enough for you to invest a few more hours of your time making their Shrine experience better.
In the immortal words of David Macker, past Shrine Dads Club president, “It’s For The Kids.”
Membership information:
Dads, if you have a child attending Shrine Catholic High School, then you are a member of the Dads Club. If you’ve never been to one, come by to a meeting, meet some great dads, hear about all the ways in which we support the school and have some food and beverages.
Meetings are the third Thursday of each month (unless a holiday) at the Berkley American Legion, on the south side of 12 Mile Road, between Coolidge and Woodward. Food and social time are at 7 p.m., with the business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Join us and enjoy yet another great part of the Shrine community.